Minggu, 03 Februari 2019

Edu Passion 2019


on 24 January SMA 3 BANDUNG holding an Edu Passion event at the time of my passion for edu I made a vlog with my friends there, also I got some knowledge that is about PTN-PTN how much does it cost, what are the requirements. I also became aware of the various types of PTN I also became more knowledgeable about how well PTN was so that I could choose which one was better for me. I also know what the majors are and there are many more there also PTN PTN represents how good their PTN is so we can be attracted to the PTN they also explain how to register, how we can get invitations and much more they present so that we are interested in entering into the PTN

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Recommendation Rafi

I, the undersigned below: Name: Reza Ahmad Class : XI IPS NIS : 171810281 Give recommendations to Name : Rafi Syafiq Class : XI IPS ...