Minggu, 24 September 2017


At the time I basic training student Leadership  I feel very tired and my legs also feel very sick but from all that I get a lot of lessons well yah although my feet hurt but I go through all that with the spirit at the time basic training student Leadership also I feel happy because I can increase the number of my friends again but also I feel tired because I can only sleep between 1 to 2 hours I also feel very dizzy so while watching G 30 / s PKI I fell asleep to get a reprimand from the male class brother but I feel annoyed towards the sister of the class because it always makes me hassles and carelessness but I am still being relaxed because I think their treatment is too excessive until the time comes home I am very happy to meet my family again and I also finally able to rest with decent.

Minggu, 10 September 2017

What I did last Saturday (on World Tournament)

On saturday I was at my uncle's house,Because the child of my uncle was getting married so the day of the Saturday held the recitation of her home, so I could not come to school on Saturday ,So i can say I did not go to school because of family events.

Maybe that's all I can explin the activities on Saturday, Thanks

Recommendation Rafi

I, the undersigned below: Name: Reza Ahmad Class : XI IPS NIS : 171810281 Give recommendations to Name : Rafi Syafiq Class : XI IPS ...